Recent Comments on the Book, “Who is Israel?” ~
“I couldn’t put this book down!!! Awesome exposè of the current country of Israel and the mainstream dispensational ideology.” ~ Jeremy (posted on
“Pastor Matt Furse has tackled a tough question and answered it based on scripture. The ‘Two Peoples of God’ doctrine of modern Dispensational Theology has come to dominate much of the evangelical Church in America. Many of those sitting in the pews have no idea that John Nelson Darby brought the doctrine here about the time of the Civil War. Pastor Furse has shown that according to Galatians chapter 3, the promise made to Abraham was made to Christ, and that Christians inherit the promise through Christ.
Also, in Romans 9:8 the Apostle Paul reveals the difference between Israel of the flesh and Israel of the promise. This book reveals that only one of these Israels inherits eternal life, through faith in Jesus Christ. If we truly love the Jewish people, they need to hear the Gospel now.” ~ Donna (posted on
Video Review of the book – “Who is Israel?”
“Just finished the book. Great work! Some may consider the info as extreme, but they are fixed to their theology, and not the Bible. I want to go over it with you some time… I just needed to finish a first reading before our schedule gets out of control next week…Thanks for the book again. God bless!” ~ IFB Missionary in South America
“Matt, received “Who is Israel” yesterday and have read half so far…fantastic read :). I believe the modern, self-styled Jew and all their baggage are dug in like ticks in the back of America and nothing short of God’s intervention will remedy the circumstance. However, that being said, American “Christianity” is perhaps reaping what they’ve sown? … I was a victim of that mindset for probably 10 years…” ~ Mike S. in Ohio
“Pastor Matt Furse, at one time I was a deacon in a conservative Bible Church. After I discovered that what we were hearing in Sunday School did not match up with what was in my Bible, I decided to find out who and when this teaching began. What I found shocked me and I wondered why our pastors were not telling us the origin of John Darby’s doctrine. I produced a YouTube video titled “Genesis of Dispensational Theology” that shows the origin of the Two Peoples of God doctrine. I am almost finished with a book which is related to yours, based on what I heard today on YouTube, during your interview with Texx Marrs. If you will give me an email address, I will send you the Rough Draft of the book for your review.” ~ Yours in Christ, Joe T.
“This is the best book I’ve read on this topic which uses scripture to back up it’s claims. Most Christians have been mislead about who God’s chosen people really are and Matt does a great job outlining who the true Israel really is. I didn’t come to understand the meaning of the title till the end of the book…” – Teresa (from
“Finally a well researched and documented book explaining the truth and where the false beliefs originated and why. Matt Furse has compiled an tremendous amount of documentation and spent hours in research to bring the truth to this generation that has been brainwashed into believing what the Bible doesn’t say about Israel. “Who Is Israel” will help you understand the history that has shaped many beliefs about the nation of Israel, and the Israel of the Bible. If you have ever wondered about the Zionist movement, this will teach you.” ~ Debi (from
“I am reading your book Who Is Israel? which I received yesterday from Texe Marrs’ ministry; not quite through with it yet, but it is so powerful I’ve had to walk away from it many times. This may be THE BOOK that will deliver Christian Zionists from their error and open their eyes. I emailed you yesterday to ask what bulk prices are for copies of Who Is Israel?… Thank you!” ~ Sincerely, Mary L. in North Carolina
“WOW! …I’m reading it now in my ‘spare time’… lol! Most enlightening. Thanks for being willing to think outside the box.” ~ IFB Evangelist in Missouri
“As a Palestinian Christian living in Israel, I can say this: After I read The book “Who is Israel” by Matt Furse, my spirit– which was torn apart between two fires– had finally reached a state of serenity. I was torn between commitment to the Bible which I thought was obligating me to support the Israeli state, or else God will punish me for not doing so. And between my commitment for my Palestinian people for The Right of Return, which meant for me at the time that I was standing against God. But after reading the book my conscious was settled. I could look up in the sky and I finally found True peace with My Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. and I finally saw the grace and mercy of our Father in heaven. I finally felt peace because after I read the book: I knew that it wasn’t YHWH Jesus Christ who committed the Nakba (catastrophe) in 1948 against my people, as I was being told by the Media and by Christian Zionists. God Bless you, Pastor Furse! I thank God Almighty The Father, The Son and The Holy spirit for revealing to me the Truth in your Book! I Thank you Dear Pastor Furse from the bottom of my heart!” ~ Mayssan Haddad – – 5 Star Review
“I have been a student of Bible prophecy for most of my nearly 81 years on this earth. I have looked at Bible prophecy from many different viewpoints… This year (2019) I asked the Lord to help me put Bible Prophecy together… I got into the study of Dispensationalism… The reason my pastor and I could never come to any agreement on Prophecy was because he held to the teachings of John Nelson Darby and the notes by Cyrus Scofield in his version of the Bible. After listening to many sermons by different teachers exposing Darby and Scofield, I came across an advertisement for the book, “Who is Israel?” Yesterday, Today, and For Ever. I bought the book and I’m glad I did. The 348 pages of this book contain a very comprehensive study of the subject. I highly recommend this book for any serious student of God’s Word, the Holy KJV Bible.”
~ Bill G. {Williamstown, SC}
“Thank you Pastor Furse for this book. It is an eye opener to me. I went to this Scofield orientated Bible college. Reading through your book really opens my heart to the truth. Thank you thank you thank you.” ~ Abraham A——– (Nigeria)
“Great book. Well written and well backed with both the Bible and secular sources.” ~ South Dakotan (posted from
A Recent Email Message: “I love your comments on ‘marching to zion’, which l just watched on youtube, it help put my mind at rest that GOD Almighty continues to work in our mist through Pastors who stand firm in defense of CHRIST JESUS our LORD and SAVIOR. In spite of others who fly the flag of unbelievers in their mist and use words that are not in the HOLY BIBLE. May GOD continue to WALK with YOU always. Amen” ~ Michael L.
“Best book on the topic I’ve ever read. I’ve read it twice.” ~ Garett C.
More Comments from Customers:
“It’s both sad and amazing that there are such a number of Christian doctrinal beliefs that are in so much error, confusion and ignorance when we are supposed to be walking in and led by Truth, especially the shepherds over God’s flocks…talk about twisted! But when you realize the deceiver is working overtime, since his time is short, it all makes sense as to WHY. To understand the HOW and what IS Biblically correct use this excellent valuable research book (with helpful footnotes) written easily to be understood that will help you break out of certain church deceptions pertaining to who really are the true biblical seed of Abraham? The Biblical true Israel and who are they? Is the term “judeo-christian” biblical? What about dispensationalism? Also, the secrets as to how these errors even got into the church through a popular bible’s “opinionated” notes and who was behind it, as well as bringing discernment to better understand who really is mystery Babylon and the whore in Revelation and so much more is in here. We don’t have to be dumb sheep following group-thought ignorance anymore. Why would Jesus even have to say the “Truth will set you free?” Because He knew we would be born into the lies and believers would be buying into it without question. Also, Jesus mentioned about deceptions that would deceive the very elect if it could (and it is), and Paul also, about the great falling away from the faith was definitely going to occur. Let’s stop believing what we are told to believe and be accountable to search out the scriptures and not be ignorant of God’s Word any longer so we can run the race strong to the end and not get tripped up along the way. This book, with its Godly insight, Biblical revelations with the scripture passages to back it up using discernment to expose the lies is a God-send for such a time as this! I strongly recommend this book to you to finally be set free in understanding more of the big picture and see things from God’s perspective for a change…a change desperately needed!”
Thanks for your book! It a wealth of information on a subject that most US citizens know very little about. Many Christians follow the teachings of dispensationalists and Christian Zionists with the assumption that these teachings are Biblical Truth. Your style is clear, focused and easy to read. You have done a lot of research. I wish your book can be used in Bible Colleges and Seminaries to educate future church leaders of America and Canada.” ~ Alex Awad (Pastor of the East Jerusalem Baptist Church – born in Jerusalem-Palestine in 1946)
Pat in Canada
“This book is without a doubt the best book on the subject today on Who is Israel? The book, of course is mainly talking about the Israel of God which has nothing to do with the national or political Israel (with the help Christian Zionists) who are preparing Jerusalem and the Temple for their messiah … who is not Jesus Christ. How the evangelical church ever got the idea that people who hated Jesus and said that they would not have this man rule over us, were true Israelites is hard to understand. Converting to Judaism does not make you a blood Jew, nor a Jew at all. In Romans 2:29, Apostle Paul, was a Jewish Pharisee but became a convert to Jesus Christ says, “But he is a Jew, which is one inwardly; and circumcision is that of the heart, in the spirit, and not in the letter; whose praise is not of men, but of God.” If a man in the Christian pulpit doesn’t understand who the chosen people of God are, it is time he studied this book as the author proves who the Israel of God is by use of both Old and New Testament scripture. TODAY is the day of salvation for BOTH the Jew and the Gentile. The work of salvation was finished on the cross for all mankind at the same time when Jesus said, “IT IS FINISHED.” If you haven’t bought this book yet, please do. It will bless your heart over and over again when you discover that you can also be one of the “chosen people of God” , if you aren’t already.”
“Pastor Matt Furse wrote an excellent, clear, Biblically-sound book debunking Dispensationalism and Zionism, exposing Jewish fables and the treachery and terrorism of the so-called “chosen people (most of whom ironically do not even believe in the Old Testament or the God of the Bible),” and revealing who is the true Israel and who are the true Jews: the Christians. I found it encouraging and solidly founded upon reason, Biblical and secular records, and fact. May the Lord continue to bless him and his ministry.”
Anonymous Amazon Customer
“This is the most important book ever written on the subject of Israel—period. No other book so thoroughly analyzes exactly what Israel is by New Testament definition. This book is a must read for every Christian regardless of denomination. Is Israel a geographic location? Is Israel a group of people that call themselves Jews? Is Israel something else? Sadly many people believe they can answer those questions but fall short of Biblical accuracy. Start reading this book today.”
“One of the best written books about the TRUE Israel! If anyone will take the time to actually read it, the truth of the Bible will be seen throughout this book. It will make anyone stop and think about the subject of the end times and how the physical Israel will definitely play a major role during this time, but not the way that most Christians have been taught. You must read this book, if you are a Christian and want to know the truth!”
Charles P.
“This book should be in the hands of EVERY member of CONGRESS and all ministers! It is EXCELLENT!!!!”
“Well Done.”