Are these God’s “Chosen People”??

The now infamous, Harvey Weinstein, the Hollywood “God” — with whom dozens of women have prostituted themselves, in order to gain “Stardom”— is a Jew— a very powerful Jew. Powerful enough to have had direct access to the Israeli Mossad, and to Presidents/Politicians inside the White House.

What made Harvey Weinstein, “God”? …his money & his powerful connections!



“Harvey Weinstein is God” ~ Meryl Streep

{Hollywood’s “Golden Globe Awards” – 2012}


“For the love of money is the root of all evil…” – 1Timothy 6:10 

“For we wrestle not against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this world, against spiritual wickedness in high places.” – Ephesians 6:12

How can Bible-believing Christians continue to distinguish the Jews as – “God’s Chosen People”?


Tel Aviv, Israel, was recently voted as the Sodomite capitol of the world!

Judeo-ChristianChosen people

 “And their dead bodies shall lie in the street of the great city, which spiritually is called Sodom and Egypt, where also our Lord was crucified.” ~ Revelation 11:8 (KJV)

The pervert & pedophile, Jeffery Epstein, with links to World Leaders—along with his Jewish roots & Mossad connections— are most interesting! (No one believes Epstein committed “suicide”!)

Nobody believes that it was suicide— but it was NOT just another “unfortunate connection” to the Clintons, either— Epstein was connected to very powerful, world leaders—for a REASON…

Why did he die? Search his background, connections, & his loyalties, and you just might find the answer…

Photos: Epstein w/ Trump & Melania @ Mar-a-Lago (2000)… Flight records of Bill Clinton, Prince Andrew, Alan Dershowitz, and others who all flew as passengers on the Lolita Express to “Orgy Island”…

Alan Dershowitz flew on Epstein’s Lolita Express to “Orgy Island”


Bill Clinton & Kevin Spacey

President Bill Clinton & Kevin Spacey went to Epstein’s “Orgy Island”


Prince Andrew also went to Epstein’s “Orgy Island”

Autopsy of an “Epsteined America”  (Kapner)

Gallup Poll 2016 ~

Jews and those with no religious preferences have virtually identical views on the morality of abortion, doctor-assisted suicide, gay-lesbian relations and cloning animals. Jews are somewhat less likely than nonreligious Americans to believe having a baby outside of marriage is moral, 68% to 80%…”  

read more @  Gallup Poll – U.S. Religious Groups

And, here:

Since 1948, abortion has always been a “legal option” for Israeli citizens, and today, virtually ALL of Israel’s abortions are government subsidized!!! (Thus meaning that USA tax-dollars are supporting abortions!!!!)

Without Christ, how can any “flesh & blood” inherit the kingdom of God?

There is only ONE race… the human race!   {see: Acts 17:26}

endless genealogies


“Neither give heed to fables and endless genealogies, which minister questions, rather than godly edifying which is in faith: so do.” ~ 1Timothy 1:4 (KJV)

“Marvel not that I said unto thee, Ye must be born again.” ~ John 3:7 (KJV)

“For he is not a Jew, which is one outwardly; neither is that circumcision, which is outward in the flesh: But he is a Jew, which is one inwardly; and circumcision is that of the heart, in the spirit, and not in the letter; whose praise is not of men, but of God.” ~ Romans 2:28-29 (KJV)


What Exactly is a “Holocaust”??

Are you aware of the Biblical definition of the word, “holocaust”?

Are you aware that a form of the word, “holocaust”, is found in several European Bible translations?

Strong’s #5930 {`olah,  o-law’} = “usually a holocaust (as going up in smoke):–ascent, burnt offering (sacrifice).”

As to the Biblical “burnt offering” and the ‘law of first mention’ in the Scriptures, of the Hebrew word, ‘olah’  {Strong’s #5930} — Consider the following passages —

Genesis 8:20-21 And Noah builded an altar unto the LORD; and took of every clean beast, and of every clean fowl, and offered burnt offerings {‘olah’} on the altar. 21 And the LORD smelled a sweet savour; and the LORD said in his heart, I will not again curse the ground any more for man’s sake; for the imagination of man’s heart is evil from his youth; neither will I again smite any more every thing living, as I have done. ~ (King James Version)

Genesis 8:20 ¶ Y edificó Noé un altar á Jehová y tomó de todo animal limpio y de toda ave limpia, y ofreció holocausto en el altar. ~ Spanish (Spanish Reina Velera)

Genesis 8:20 ¶ Noé bâtit un autel à l’Éternel; il prit de toutes les bêtes pures et de tous les oiseaux purs, et il offrit des holocaustes sur l’autel. ~ French (Louis Segond French Version -1910)

Genesis 8:20 Edificou Noé um altar ao Senhor; e tomou de todo animal limpo e de toda ave limpa, e ofereceu holocaustos sobre o altar. ~ Portuguese (Portuguese Almeida Atualizada)

Genesis 8:20 ¶ E Noè edificò un altare al Signore; e prese d’ogni specie di animali mondi, e d’ogni specie di uccelli mondi, ed offerse olocausti sopra l’altare. ~ Italian (Italian Giovanni Diodati Bibbia – 1649)

Now, let’s consider the next time & place that this word is used in Scripture — see: Genesis chapter 22

Genesis 22:8 And Abraham said, My son, God will provide himself a lamb for a burnt offering {‘olah’}: so they went both of them together. (KJV)

Genesis 22:8 Y respondió Abraham: Dios se proveerá de cordero para el holocausto, hijo mío. E iban juntos. ~Spanish (SRV)

Genesis 22:8 Abraham répondit: Mon fils, Dieu se pourvoira lui-même de l’agneau pour l’holocauste. Et ils marchèrent tous deux ensemble. ~ French (LSV-1910)

Genesis 22:8 Respondeu Abraão: Deus proverá para si o cordeiro para o holocausto, meu filho. E os dois iam caminhando juntos. ~ Portuguese (PortAA)

Genesis 22:8 Ed Abrahamo disse: Figliuol mio, Iddio si provvederà d’agnello per l’olocausto. Ed essi se ne andarono amendue insieme. ~ Italian (ItalGDB -1649)

Now, we Bible-believers agree that Jesus Christ was the prophetic “provide[d] lamb for a burnt offering (Genesis 22; Exodus 12:8-10; 1Corinthians. 5:7)… And, as we see (above) in these other translated Bibles (languages of Europe) that the burnt offering” is translated as holocaust”…!!!  

Jesus =’burnt offering’; The Lamb of God is the “holocaust“!

Doesn’t it seem more than just a ‘coincidence’ that a certain group of people (mainly of Europe) would substitute the very term that describes the Sacrifice of the true “Lamb of God”, for their own definition of a “holocaust”?? …Satan is the master counterfeiter, and he has seen fit to remove the Biblical definition of the word “holocaust” = (the “burnt offering” of Christ) from our minds, and he has replaced it with an account that promotes guilt & sympathy for a Christ-rejecting people!

Which “holocaust” is more important? Which one has eternal ramifications?    Now, if a Christian/believer happens to believe incorrectly about some of the facts concerning a “modern day holocaust”— they will still go to heaven.  However, if one is wrong about God’s genuine “holocaust” (Jesus Christ), Who was sacrificed for all of mankind, almost 2,000 years ago, then, that person will go to an eternal hell!

“So there was fire on the altar to burn up that sacrifice. Oh, it surely must mean Jesus bearing our sin, the torments of Hell for it, too.”

“Notice here also that all the pieces of the sacrifice were all burned up. It was not a partial sacrifice that Jesus made. That is why when the passover lamb was sacrificed, it was eaten at only one meal. If there was any left it was burned, because we take Jesus only once as Savior. Only one time we are born of God, and given a new heart and taken into the family, then we are God’s children forever. So, then, Jesus one time and forever paid this whole debt and there need be no more. So it is all burned here.” (page 122-123)

“Christ in the Old Testament” – John R. Rice – {Chapter 3 – “Christ in the Tabernacle, Priesthood, and Offerings”} –  IV. Christ the Burnt-Offering – page 115-124 – Sword of the Lord Publishers, 1969


“Yad Vashem Museum” – main building (notice anything odd?)

When I visited Israel in 2015, we were taken to the Yad Vashem Museum – the ‘Holocaust’ Museum, in Israel (see appendix D of my book)… This museum was obviously designed to be more than just a place to ‘remember the dead’… Its “new age” architecture is full of symbolism— Complete with a “giant altar” made of “uncut” stone, representing the “burnt offering! (see Exodus 20:24-25; Deuteronomy 27:5-6; Joshua 8:30-31)

Israel Trip 2015 171 Israel Trip 2015 166

(As seen in these pictures of their “altar of burnt sacrifice”) The Zionists have literally substituted (replaced) God’s provided “holocaust”, for one of their own!  It is they who deny the “holocaust”— of Christ — our Passover Lamb!

Yad_Vashem_BW_5epa03635672 US President Barack Obama lays a wreath at the Hall of Remembrance during his visit to the Yad Vashem Holocaust Memorial museum commemorating the six million Jews killed by the Nazis during World War II, on March 22, 2013 in Jerusalem, Israel. EPA/Uriel Sinai

…And, so, comparatively speaking, the modern day “holocaust” is a “decoy” of Satan— when compared to the True “holocaust” of the Lamb of God, in the Scriptures! To afford the Jews their own substitution of Christ for anything else, is the worst form of “anti-Semitism” that one can commit. To appease them with any other substitute, is to damn them to hell.  I refuse to be guilty of “loving them to death”… Like all other people, they too, must be born again” (as their first birth is NOT good enough)… Like all others, they must come to God, through Jesus Christ, alone (John 14:6).

Today, any arguments about the “holocaust” should not focus so much on the details of the “facts vs. fiction of the 1940’s”, as it should be about Satan replacing the Sacrifice (“Holocaust”= burnt offering) of the Biblical Christ of 2,000 years ago, for someone else! (And, to “replace Christ” is “antichrist“!)

-Pastor Matt Furse

Texe Marrs recommended this Book!

  Recommendation from Texe Marrs  (Listen to His Radio Interview with Pastor Matt Furse)    

Texe Marrs5Who Is Israel?—Yesterday, Today, and Forever is the most complete book about Israel as a nation and people I have ever read. Christians today are sadly ignorant over the nation of Israel. Jesus told the Jews, “Ye are of your father the devil.” Yet, Christians will not accept what Jesus said. Jesus told the Jews, “Your house is left desolate.” But Christians protest, “No! This is not true. The House of Israel is not left desolate. It is blessed.”

Jesus warned of the “Synagogue of Satan,” made up of “Them which say they are Jews and are not.” Yet Christians deny the very existence of the “Synagogue of Satan.” They say that Judaism is a fine religion that does not fit the mold of a “Synagogue of Satan.”

Pastors today are totally unaware that Judaism, the religion of the Jews, dismisses the truth of the Old Testament and has adopted other gods. Jews, in fact, now pray to Satan, and through the practice of davening, imagine they are having sex with a feminine goddess (WARNING: This link contains graphic images & video). Judaizer Christians know nothing of such practices and are ignorant of the devices of the devil. They even say they are “Judeo-Christians,” a terrible and blasphemous oxymoron.

Pastor Matt Furse carefully explores the decadent false religion of the Jews and demonstrates the damage that so-called “Judeo-Christianity” is doing to our society and to the Church. His is a truthful account that must be understood by pastors and laymen if the Christian Church is to recover from its apathy and become again a fire-house of God’s Truth. I highly recommend this outstanding book.”

Texe Marrs2 

—Texe Marrs
Austin, Texas
March 15, 2016

Listen to Texe Marrs’ Radio Interview, with Pastor Matt Furse, here –


Who is Israel?

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The author, Matt Furse, was interviewed for the 2015 DVD documentary – “Marching to Zion”Matt is also the pastor of the Mountainview Baptist Church in Custer, South Dakota.

His church’s website is –

and, he can be reached by email at –

External Links & Secular Sources >>>

Warning: The links below are listed only as suggested and helpful resources. Most of the links on this page will take you outside of our “Who is Israel?” web site. Links to outside sites are provided as a convenient means to access additional, relevant, or useful information. Pastor Matt Furse is not responsible for the content, accuracy, or opinions of these sites, and he may not agree with/promote them in their entirety.

Resources relevant to the question ~ Who is Israel? :

Watch this simple, yet Biblical, 14 minute video explanation! (original source unaffiliated)

The Apostle Paul as the Great Whistleblower against the Jewish religion

According to Promise – C. H. Spurgeon (pp 5-9, 105-106)

“Who is Your Momma?”

John Hagee, the Scofield Bible, and “Israel”

The Bible is Not a Jewish Book

Jesus in the Talmud

Judaism in it’s Own Words

Judaism’s Strange gods

The “Six Genders” of Judaism???

Israeli TV show mocking the Lord Jesus Christ (warning: Lewd)

Restoring Israel – Is there Scriptural Evidence for a Prophesied Return?

Scofield – the Man & the Myth

Why I left Scofieldism – W.E. Cox

Dispensationalism Exposed

The Praise of Folly: The Enigmatic Life & Theology of CI Scofield

David Lutzweiler

Anti-Semitism & the Babylonian Connection

Biblical Insights into God’s Chosen Children

The Sin of Worshipping the land of Israel

The Fourth Reich of the Rich

Conspiracy of the Six-Pointed Star

DNA Science & the Jew

DNA vs. Racism (Is a “pure race” even possible???)

Israel’s identity

Satan’s Counterfeit Israel

Jews are saved without Believing in Jesus Christ??

Blackstone Intelligence

YouTube removed our video account, on August 5, 2019. (NOTE— our channel was NOT what they claim it was!) This is nothing more than a suppression of Free Speech & the TRUTH!

The Powerful Influence that “Israel” has in America:

President Joe Biden’s Cabinet looks like a “Jewish Who’s Who” ~ The Forward News (January 2021)

US pledges $3.3 Billion Dollars to Israel ($23,000 per family)

Does Israel interfere in American elections? (Lew Rockwell)

The Missing FOX NEWS report (2001) of Israeli Spies on 9-11

The ‘New World Order’ was Pledged to Whom???

US Supreme Court Evidence

If Americans Knew 

J. Vernon McGee – 1982  (2Kings 23:29)

General Wesley Clark reveals Pentagon’s War Plans

Friends of Israel Defense Forces raises Millions for IDF

The Balfour Declaration & World War I

The Power of the Israeli Lobby (Ruling the World by Proxy)

Yes, the Israel Lobby really does Drive our Policies

Is the “Shekinah glory” revered in your church?

Lord Rothschild: “My Family Helped in the Creation of Israel”

Total Control of the United States – Jewish Lobby

“The Zionist Occupied Government of America”

Who is behind Gun Control?

The International Jew – Henry Ford

Hollywood & the Jews who’ve owned it

Who Controls the White house?

Who is Jared Kushner?

Will Jared Kushner deliver the “Peace Covenant”???

Chuck Schumer & Barack Obama

Who benefited the Most from 9-11? 

The “Israelification” of the United States

The Man Behind the ISIS Curtain

The “Mossad” (by an ex-Mossad officer)

How Israel Rules the World of Cyber-Security

Do YOU support these people?

Do we “manufacture” threats (false flag terrorism/”crisis initiation”) in order to start “just” Wars??? … Just WHO would benefit the MOST from a War with Iran??? Certainly NOT the Americans or the Iranians!

Will a perceived “hate speech” & “anti-Semitism” bring America’s “Bill of Rights” to an end?

Communism executed their citizens for “anti-Semitism” – Why? (They certainly did NOT protect the Christians!)

Putin says that 85% of the Bolshevik Revolution were Jewish

The Bolshevik Revolution – a Russian Tragedy

Why would someone infamous, like Joseph Stalin, be opposed specifically to “anti-Semitism”?

Eventually, criticism of Israel will be illegal, world-wide!

Someone has gained control of the United States… and soon, the entire Globe

Has Israel effectively Colonized the United States?

The Kingpins behind International Financial Scams (“binary options”)

“Gaza – the Broken Hearted”    (If Americans Knew)

Israel to Eavesdrop on world citizens

The Great Challenge: Israel

Filthy “anti-christs” – Who Pushes this Immorality???

The Pope visits the “altar of burnt offering” in Jerusalem

Who Occupies America’s Government?

The Day Israel Attacked America {}

Sacrificing Liberty {Tru-History}

USS Liberty – Dead in the Water {BBC Documentary 2002}

How did Christians become Zionists?

US government spent $$$$$$$$ on fake Al-Qaeda propaganda videos

Israel Entity in GeoPoliticsAlert

Is there a “Jewish Agenda” in the Syrian War?

Israel’s history of False Flag Operations

The Washington Times – September 10, 2001 – The Mossad

Lawsuit Seeks Answers on Five Israeli Men Arrested on 9/11

The Confusion & Corruption that comes from misunderstanding “Israel” :

A young Jewish woman explains what your packaged Media won’t tell you!

Burying the Nakba evidence from 1948

Who packages your News?

Propaganda & the Results of it

James Perloff on Christian Zionism & the New World Order

What Scofield’s Bible did for the Middle East

John Hagee, the Scofield Bible, and Israel

Do you agree with Sam Gipp? …Is Jesus Christ NOT your Messiah, too?

Christian Zionism: The Tragedy

“We (Jews) go to Heaven, You (Palestinians) go to Hell”

The Debauchery of Jewish influence in Berlin, in the 1920’s-1930’s

“Brother Nathanael” videos

Pastor Matt Furse discusses his book: “Who is Israel?”

A pastor exposes a Counterfeit Temple; a Counterfeit Israel

Fundamentalism’s Bloody Homeland for Jews

A pastor explains “Scripture Twisting”

A pastor explains many Baptist’s dispensational hypocrisy

A pastor explains some of his “Holocaust” questions

A pastor explains his “Muslim Problem”

Pastor Alex Awad: East Jerusalem Baptist Church – an eyewitness of Palestinian issues

Pastor Alex Awad: Has the Church Replaced Israel to the negation of Israel?

Pastor Alex Awad: An Open Letter of Forgiveness & Admonition to the British Prime Minister

Pastor Alex Awad chastises Pastor John Hagee (& all of the modern American Evangelicals)

Israel is certainly the Most Unique country in the World…

Beware of DNA testing! (WHO owns these companies?)

WHY are Christians supporting War & Terror?








 “Harvey Weinstein is God” ~ Meryl Streep, 2012